Vending Machine

    • NOTE: You Must have a valid email

    1. Please Fill out the survey bye scanning our QR code either on the webpage or on the machine, or by using the url

    2. You will receive a code that you may use whenever you come back to the machine

      • You may already have a code if you are a wellness Wednesday participant, it is the 3 or 4 digits following your first and last name

    3. Then simply put in your code and make your selection on the vending machine.

    4. If you need assistance, please call 937-651-6192

    • No CODE required

      • COVID-Test Kit’s

      • Narcan

    • CODE required

      • Period Kit’s

      • Hygiene Kit’s

      • Fentanyl Test Strips

      • Test Before You Drink

    • Items are free and Grant Funded

    • Surveys are anonymous

    • No personal data recorded