Ready to Respond to Public Health Emergencies
State and local health departments must stand ready to handle many different types of emergencies that threaten the health and safety of families, communities, and the nation. Learn how CDC’s Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program helps communities respond to threats.
Public health emergencies occur every day across the United States. Tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, floods, infectious disease outbreaks, terrorist attacks, and other emergencies have all occurred in the United States in the past, and will happen again.
Communities must be ready in the event of a public health emergency – both those they expect and those that come without warning. The terrorist and anthrax attacks of 2001 clearly demonstrated that states need expertise and resources in place before disaster strikes.
The first part of being prepared as a community is for each individual to prepare themselves and their families. (Click Here)
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
The Medical Reserve Corps is a national network of local groups of volunteers engaging local communities to strengthen public health, reduce vulnerability, build resilience, and improve preparedness, response and recovery capabilities.
Here is some detailed information about the Medical Reserve Corps:
“Local first responders will be quickly overwhelmed in a public health emergency. Skilled volunteers will be crucial to the success of our local community response.”
Boyd C. Hoddinott, MD, MPH
Former Health Commissioner
We do have a Logan County Medical Reserve Corps. Some of the things that we have done with our volunteers are listed below:
Giving vaccines during flu season or disease outbreaks
Helped during full scale public health exercises
Helped at the first aid booth at the Logan County Fair
Helped with the Logan County Health District 5-K run-walk.
To Volunteer in Logan County, fill out the registration form below and mail or email it to the address on the bottom of the form.
Also, it is very important to register on line on Ohio Responds at:
This Ohio Responds registration allows for volunteers to be covered for liability.
Emergency Preparedness
Public Health Emergency Preparedness at the local Health District level is tasked with preparing public health, its partners, and the community to respond to adverse events that affect public health in the community.
Activities are planned in cooperation with the public, healthcare and safety organizations in Logan County and surrounding counties ensuring the Central Region of Ohio is ready for emergency events:
Cooperative efforts with community, business, healthcare, security and safety organizations have been enhanced to deal with any emergency event.
Cooperative agreements have been developed with adjoining counties and healthcare organizations to strengthen the regional ability to provide mutual aid.
We perform simulated “Adverse Event” training exercises annually with our local and regional partners.
Emergency Response Plans for the Logan County Health District are located here. We welcome public feedback on the plans. Please send comments by emailing us at or calling (937) 592-9040.
Prepare, plan and stay informed!
Preparedness is a responsibility for every Logan County resident. We cannot control the world around us, but we can plan to be ready for when disaster strikes. Help ensure both you and your family are prepared for hazards such as natural disasters, power outages, or intentional acts by starting with the following:
Be prepared when disaster strikes – register on Logan County Alert and get weather and community alerts on your cell phone or email.
Should the need arise for mass vaccination/prophylaxis, LCHD will assume the lead role. Plans are in place to operate an Open Point of Dispensing (POD) site. What is a POD ?
Sign up for Logan County Alerts Here!
Important Phone Numbers
To report suspicious packages or substances, call your local law enforcement agency at: 9-1-1
Individuals looking for help or services because of natural disasters can call 2-1-1 or visit the HelpLink211 website for a list of available services and contact information.
Help others! When you know you are prepared as an individual or as a family, give back to your community by donating items or funds to a local charity or food bank. Additionally, one of the best ways to give back to your community is to donate your time:
Ohio Responds: a personalized volunteer opportunity site shared by the Ohio Emergency Management Agency (Ohio EMA) and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH)
Medical Reserve Corps: The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) is a national network of volunteers, organized locally to improve the health and safety of their communities. MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals, as well as other community members without healthcare backgrounds.
Red Cross: An international organization dedicated to providing assistance in a variety of ways
Important Helpful Links
American Red Cross – ARC
Locate Loved Ones – Safe and Well
Centers for Disease Control Prevention – CDC
Emergency Management Agency – EMA
Ohio Department of Health – ODH
Businesses are encouraged to have a PLAN in place.
Numbering Your House