Birth & Death Certificates

The Logan County Health District maintains Logan County Birth and Death records from the year 1909 to present.

Currently, if born in Ohio, you may obtain your birth record from any Health Department throughout the State of Ohio. Customers are able to receive prompt, courteous, over the counter service during regular office hours.

Certified copies of Birth Certificates are required for:

  • Proof of citizenship when traveling outside the United States

  • Bureau of Motor Vehicles

  • Social Security

  • Obtaining a passport

  • Kindergarten registration

  • Most school athletic age verifications

*Prior to 1909 birth and death record information is available by contacting the Logan County Probate Court at (937) 599-7252.

Purchasing Certificates

The current price of all birth or death records for Logan County is $26.

Payment Options

  • Cash

  • Money order

  • Personal check made payable to Logan County Health District with Identification

  • Debit or credit cards are accepted with fee

  • Please do not mail cash

An application is also available below to print and mail in with payment. Please enclose a self- addressed, stamped business size envelope.

Please print and complete this application form (PDF) and bring or mail it along with your payment to:

Logan County Health District
Attn: Vital Statistics Registrar
310 S. Main St.
Bellefontaine, OH 43311

For further information, please call the Logan County Registrar at (937) 651-6192.