Private Water Systems
The Logan County Health District inspects and permits PRIVATE water systems in Logan County.
A Private water system is a system that has less than 15 service connections, serves less than 25 people per day, or serves more than 25 people for less than 60 days per year.
Examples of Private Water Systems:
Residential homes
Church serving 500 people, but is only open 52 times a year.
Campground with less than 15 service connections.
Restaurant that does not offer water to patrons (including hand washing) and does not use water for food preparation.
Fill out the well application completely including all check boxes at the top and the specific private water system contractor that will be doing the work.
Provide a scaled site plan including the location of the well and the location of all potential contamination sources (listed on the third page of the permit application).
The well must be located according to the minimum distance requirements stated on page 4 of well application.
The permit will be issued upon approval by an Environmental Specialist and payment of permit fee.
If the well is unable to meet all distance/code requirements you may request a variance.
All work performed on a private water system must be done by a registered private water system contractor.
A completion form must be submitted, by the private water system contractor, to the LCHD upon completion.
A well log and sealing report must also be submitted to the LCHD upon completion after submitting to ODNR.
Private Water System Fee Schedule-CLICK HERE see page 1
Note: The cost of the first water sample is included in the permit fee. Additional samples and all other requested water samples are priced based on the attached fee schedule.
Well disinfection can eliminate or reduce many different kinds harmful bacteria and viruses as well as harmless bacteria which can cause unpleasant taste and odors. However, disinfection will not correct water problems caused by chemical contamination from nitrate, fuels, pesticides, or other substances. Well disinfection should be performed under the following circumstances:
When coliform bacteria are present in the water;
After flooding of the well;
After plumbing installation, e.g. softeners, sinks, filters;
After casing or pump repairs – submersible types or other;
When water taste or odor changes, e.g. from iron or sulfur reducing bacteria;
As part of annual maintenance; or
During startup of seasonal wells.
Homeowners can download their well logs from:
OAC 3701-28 Private Water Systems-CLICK HERE
EPA: Public Water Systems-CLICK HERE
For more information and/or assistance with your private water system, please call (937)-592-9040 or reach us via email at enviro@loganhealthohio.gov