Permits processed after January 1st will see a fee increase. Please contact the LCHD at 937-651-6192.
Permits processed after January 1st will see a fee increase. Please contact the LCHD at 937-651-6192.
Private Water Systems
The Logan County Health District examines and permits PRIVATE water systems in Logan County. A private water system is a system that serves less than 25 people per day, or serves 25 or more people less than 60 days per year, or have less than 15 service connections.
For example, a church with its own water well may serve 500 people, but maybe only 52 times per year. This is a private water system.
For example, a campground with a water well system that serves about 100 people during peak times, but only 20 days of the year. This is a private water system unless there are 15 or more campsite water connections (service connections).
For example, a restaurant, that does not serve water to its patrons, does not provide water for human consumption, such as water for hand washing, which is commonly supplied in public restrooms, serves its food on plates that will be washed, or uses water to prepare food items like ice cubes from a ice machine or coffee. The washing of food preparation utensils alone does not qualify a system as a public water system.
Private Water System Application Form
Fill out the well application completely. On the page marked “site plan” carefully draw a sketch of the property indicating the location of any of the items listed. When building a new house, a Home Sewage Site Plan provided by LCHD may be used in place of this sketch. The well must be located according to the attached minimum distance requirements. The permit will be issued upon approval by a sanitarian and payment of permit fee. It is the applicant’s responsibility to see that the permit is paid for prior to drilling.
All work performed on the system must be completed by a company or individual that is registered with the Ohio Department of Health as a Private Water Systems contractor. Click HERE for a list of Ohio-based PWS Contractors. Click HERE for a list of out-of-state-based PWS Contractors.
The private water system contractor/installer completion form must be returned to LCHD upon completion of the system. A copy of the well log must be provided to LCHD within 30 days after the well is drilled. Disinfect the well and plumbing according to instructions provided. Notify LCHD when all the work and disinfection have been completed to make arrangements for a water sample.
Note: The cost of the first water sample is included in the permit fee. Additional samples are $40.00 each. Water samples for real estate sale are $60.00 each.
For more information and/or assistance with your private water system, please call (937) 592-9040, or reach us via e-mail at enviro@loganhealthohio.gov.
Homeowners can download their well logs from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website.
Click HERE for a list of Registered Water Haulers.
Well disinfection can eliminate or reduce many different kinds harmful bacteria and viruses as well as harmless bacteria which can cause unpleasant taste and odors. However, disinfection will not correct water problems caused by chemical contamination from nitrate, fuels, pesticides, or other substances. Well disinfection should be performed under the following circumstances:
When coliform bacteria are present in the water;
After flooding of the well;
After plumbing installation, e.g. softeners, sinks, filters;
After casing or pump repairs – submersible types or other;
When water taste or odor changes, e.g. from iron or sulfur reducing bacteria;
As part of annual maintenance; or
During startup of seasonal wells.
Instructions for well disinfection can be found HERE.